What does inmail mean on linkedin

What does inmail mean on linkedin

LinkedIn has lots of unique features, making it great for businesses looking to connect with others on the platform. One of these great tools is LinkedIn InMail, which we explain below.

What is LinkedIn InMail?

LinkedIn InMail is an invaluable tool for businesses, offering the ability to message LinkedIn users directly without any prior connection. Described by LinkedIn as "private messages that allow you to contact anyone on LinkedIn without an introduction," InMail can be sent from a user's profile or through LinkedIn Recruiter.

This distinguishes it from regular messages, as there is no need to be connected with the recipient beforehand.

How Do I Get LinkedIn InMail?

InMail is a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with individuals on LinkedIn's platform. However, access to this feature is limited to companies and users who have a subscription to either LinkedIn Premium or LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

LinkedIn Premium is a service provided by the social media site that offers a range of new and improved features to help users achieve their goals. One of the key features of LinkedIn Premium is the ability to send direct messages to any LinkedIn member, a feature available in both the Premium Career and Business packages.

According to HubSpot, InMail is a service accessible to LinkedIn users with a Premium account, enabling them to message other LinkedIn members even if they are not connected. This feature is considered one of LinkedIn's most valuable tools.

Additionally, InMail can be accessed through LinkedIn Sales Navigator, another valuable service provided by the platform. LinkedIn Sales Navigator allows users to navigate the entire sales process, from prospecting to closing deals, with a plethora of tools and features designed to assist sales teams, organizations, and individuals in building and nurturing customer relationships on the platform. By leveraging these tools effectively, users can enhance their sales performance, leading to increased profits and a higher number of leads.

What are the benefits of LinkedIn InMail?

To begin with, LinkedIn offers the opportunity to connect with prospective partners, seek out influential individuals who can promote your business on their social channels, and identify potential employees for recruitment.

LinkedIn highlights the effectiveness of InMail for Premium Business users, stating that it is 2.6 times more effective than traditional methods like email or cold calls. This allows users to expand their network and initiate meaningful conversations that benefit their business promptly. Overall, utilizing LinkedIn as a tool for lead generation can significantly support businesses in marketing products and services effectively.

What’s the best practice for LinkedIn InMail?

Before initiating any messaging on InMail, it is crucial to verify that the information on your profile is up-to-date and accurate. When using InMail, treat it as your initial introduction to a new contact. You have a single opportunity to create a positive impression, so each word should be carefully chosen to avoid sounding robotic.

Aim to convey enthusiasm in your message and refrain from immediately diving into a sales pitch. Instead, consider initiating a conversation by inquiring about their well-being or sharing a personal detail about yourself. According to LinkedIn, messages sent through InMail can contain up to 200 characters in the subject line and 1900 characters in the body.